About Bats Northwest
Our Mission
Bats Northwest is a nonprofit organization formed in 1996 by scientists, educators, and interested lay people to help protect Pacific Northwest bat populations through education and research.
Bats Northwest envisions a future where the essential role of bats is understood, where the public recognizes the vital place of bats in our environment and economy, and where all are inspired by bats’ remarkable attributes and invaluable contribution to our natural heritage.
Bats Northwest Monthly Meetings
Meetings occur online on the third Tuesday of every month. If you would like to join our meetings, please email batsnorthwest@gmail.com
Bats Northwest in the Community
Please see our homepage for a list of our public events and presentations.
If you would like to have Bats Northwest Educational Outreach volunteers visit your class, club, or event please email us at info@batsnorthwest.org